
Jacopo Fo English Blog

Come to Alcatraz Independent University



There is nothing that has to be done in order to reach a peak-experience orgasm. The only difficulty is that you need to do exactly nothing. Generally when you make love you are tense, often your facial expression is even serious, as if you are doing something dangerous.
Abandon this worried attitude. If you want to enjoy the whole pleasure that you are entitled to, relax body and soul. The man should not attempt to maintain his erection in any way, he should not contract the pelvic muscles.
Instead the woman, if she wants to, can move her pussy from inside. You can even remain still, but if you want to move, you should do it very slowly. Fill up your lungs and breathe all the way out.
Oxygen has a wonderful effect on the body... As Lowen, a bioenergetic researcher, says:
"Everybody knows that if you don't breathe, you're dead. Few know that the more you breathe, the more you're alive".
Oxygen is fantastic because it has an intoxicating effect like alcohol, but no side effects. Sometimes when you breathe deeply, your head even spins, just as if you were drunk. But don't worry, relax, and everything will be all right.
Air can't harm you. It's impossible to get indigestion from too much air. The more you breathe it, the better it is. If then by breathing you don't tense up your stomach muscles, but let your innards move in suspension by the movement of breathing, you will help your pelvic muscles relax. The blood will circulate better by oxygenating your pleasure receptors, which will increase in sensitivity. In fact, it would be worth the effort to try Tantric sex even if it were necessary to make love naked while cycling on Milan's bypass.
Seeing that there's nothing so difficult to do, why not try? Basically, it's about changing attitude. You don't do Tantric sex. You need to let it happen by itself. That's the difficult part. We're too used to doing everything for a purpose, anxiously waiting for a result, spying on our pleasure without stopping our brain to control and judge everything. Obviously, instead of listening to simple sensations, the scent, the warmth, the softness of the skin, your lover's features, you are there spying the pleasures of your bellybutton waiting for a miracle. Nothing will happen because your longing and your anxiety keeps your mind under stress and prevents your unconscious to listen to your lover's vibrations and to tune in. It's not something that you can do if you're clever, if you have the will power, or if you try your best. It's like laughing or dancing, you have to let it happen.


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