have already seen how the deep musculature works outside of rational
control. Fears, anxiety, bad posture, and poor breathing act in
such a way that we inadvertently keep our deep muscles contracted.
This causes difficulties in the circulation of the blood and insufficient
plasma flow to the cells, which therefore tend to degenerate more
than they should. For example, after too many hours working at our
desk, we find ourselves, without noticing it, with the deep musculature
of our neck, nape and shoulders contracted. The blood flows out
of the head is restricted, the pressure in the head increases, and
we get the typical "throbbing" headache.
All we need to do is to relax those muscles in order to make
the pain go away.
Another example is gastritis, which can lead to ulcers, i.e. to
the damaging of the stomach tissues. Everything starts with nervous
tension, anxiety and irritability, which tenses the stomach muscles...
There are different ways of doing it.

Try to bend yourself towards the floor, reaching down as far
as possible with your hands (without bending the knees). It
doesn't matter how low you bend. Remember at what height you
Then sit down comfortably and massage the entire left side
of your body (or the right side, it doesn't matter). Start
from your toes and go up to the buttocks.
Then massage your shoulder, half of the neck and the head,
your arm and hand.
Massage every point, but only the left side of your body,
trying to apply a pleasant pressure with your hand. You can
rub, scratch, caress and massage deeply.
Do what you like as long as you like on every spot. You have
to spend at least eight minutes doing this massage.
get up and try to bend again.
You will see that the left side is much looser and more elastic.
The left hand hangs lower than the right. The massage has relaxed
your deep muscles.
Do you realize how tense they were?
(Now massage the other side of your body, otherwise it will
feel left out).
When you're tired, where you're tense, when you're unable to
sleep, when you want to increase your pleasure, to broaden your
perceptions or to prepare yourself for a physical effort, remember
to breathe deeply and also to relax. There are three ways of
doing it, depending on the parts we want to act on. |
1€ Relaxing your deep musculature with
contraction can be caused, by standing, sitting and doing things
in the wrong positions and posture as well as by emotional tension,
fears or distress. In order to reassure themselves, many people
contract a part of the body: the stomach, the pubis, the knees,
or some other spot.
Let's try with a hand because it's easier. Lie down. Close your
eyes. Relax and begin to close one hand in slow motion. The whole
difficulty in this exercise lies in understanding the term "slow
motion". I mean to say exactly to try to move as slowly as
possible, in such a way that the movement is imperceptible. The
slower it is, the more effective it is. At first, you'll have a
bit of difficulty doing it and the hand will move in jerks. Don't
worry, and try again to move it even more slowly.
After about a minute (if you are slow enough), you will feel a tingling
sensation, an increase of weight or an increase of heat in your
This is a sign that the exercise is working. You have succeeded
in completely relaxing the deep muscles which therefore no longer
constrict veins or arteries. This way, the blood flows more abundantly
and causes warm and tingling sensations or an increase of weight.
This relaxing exercise is the simplest in the world. It works with
more than just the stomach muscles, which we will soon see how to
You can move any part of yourself in any way and quickly obtain
relief for whatever pain caused by muscular contraction.
Remember that the movement need not be broad. The twisting should
only be hinted at. Very slow, small movements. We have said that
a headache is generally caused by the contractions of the deep musculature.
To make it go away, it is sufficient to rotate the head and shoulders
about a centimeter (always super-slowly). Attention: avoid any painful
movement. Pain causes contraction, and therefore make the entire
exercise useless.
€ The areas of the belly derive little benefit from slow motion
movements. There are two ways to act on them.
The first is to limit yourself to listening to the contracted areas
without doing anything. Try it. You will see that doing nothing
is not as easy as it seems. We are always inclined to act. If instead
you think about the contraction, after less than a minute, it generally
starts to loosen up. If you don't get completely satisfactory results
with the listening method, try another technique. Imagine that the
organ that needs to be relaxed is a balloon full of water. You need
to feel how it alters to the simple pressure of the force of gravity.
Imagine that it loses its shape exactly as if it were placed on
top of the table (the shape of the organ/balloon changes if you
change position and stay seated or lie on your belly or on your
spine or hip). Gradually, as you become familiar with relaxation
and you remember to use it to fight tension, fatigue and minor illnesses,
you will realize that if you are relaxed, you will feel better,
be in better shape and look more attractive because your face isn't
tensed up. When you are in a relaxed mood, people will find it more
pleasant to be near you because this gentleness inspires trust.
You can tackle any kind physical effort better - when you start
from a state of muscular relaxation. You will be more receptive
and more inclined to make the rational and irrational mind work
in synergy. Finally, as you gradually experience the power of relaxed
nerves, you will appreciate more and more the calm that allows you
to react more effectively when faced with difficulties.
I know that at this point that you would have preferred me to tell
you that if you remain relaxed, you will never again encounter life's
unpleasant difficulties. Unfortunately, my religion forbids me from
saying such bullshit. But I can tell you... calm is reassuring.
It imparts trust. It helps you to reason. It is enchanting and it
improves your relationship with others.
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