within reach
The vagina is a marvellous thing. However, I remember that the first
time I saw it, it frightened me a bit.
It's an organ of undefined forms and it's very different from woman
to woman.
To describe the apricot is very difficult. The best thing
is to have it explained to you directly on the spot by a girl. This
is indispensable particularly if you want to understand where the
clitoris is and how it is to be touched. We can sum up the situation
however with a brief description.
woman's cleft has 2 external lips that serve as protection.
If you gently open them, you will see above (towards the navel)
a small fleshy bump from which the lips begin. There, semi-hidden
by a sort of hood, is the clitoris. The size of the clitoris
varies from woman to woman and goes from very small, a little
bigger than a pimple, to a couple of centimetres. Apart from
size, it is a very sensitive spot.
A little under the clitoris, the actual cleft opens. At the
entrance of the cleft, we find the little pee hole (the urethra)
above and the hymen (in virgins) below. Further inside, there
is a second closure formed by smaller lips, with a very uneven
surface that further protects the inside of the vagina. In the
upper part of the magic tunnel (the ceiling if the woman is
lying on her back), a few centrimetres deep, is a very sensitive
spot called the "G spot". |
By gently stimulating it some women are able to have a volley of
orgasms. The whole of the vagina is however a very sensitive area.
In the lower part deep in the vagina ("on the floor of the
tunnel", let's say), there is a little hill that looks like
a little volcano from whose mouth the canal begins through which
sperm reach their favourite target (the ovum) in order to fertilize
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