
Jacopo Fo English Blog

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The ability to use the hands to give each other pleasure is what distinguishes the human being from other animals

To touch each other is wonderful.
Sex is basically the act of touching each other.
Practise it!
The more occasions you find to hug and massage in your social life, the more your sexual potency will grow. Massaging each other doesn't of course have to be a sexual practice. Physical contact is indispensable for everyone. To restrict it to sex is a mistake.
We need physical contact, we need our parents' and our friends' embrace. To increase the number of contacts is good for them and for us. There are a thousands of occasions: a shampoo, a beauty mask, a relaxing massage, ora pain in the back, or even sitting close together while watching television.
We have been instilled with a fear of contact that makes us stand off from the people we love. Why is that?
We have a desperate need for human warmth! It's not a dreadful thing, it's right, healthy and natural. And often a massage is better for a headache than a pill.
All mothers heal their children from a thousand ailments by just placing their warm hands on their little ones.
A massage is a powerful contact, a magic that connects human beings. You need to learn to use it more. And this will solve many more sexual problems than you may think. In fact, a sexual problem often stems precisely from the fact that all our requests for physical contact are placed on sex.
Sex can't and shouldn't satisfy all our needs for warmth.
On the other hand, what is even worse, is that you forget to touch each other while making love. You come quickly to the point and it's all over in 5 minutes. Try instead to massage all of your partner's body for half an hour. Massage gently, trying to produce only delicate, pleasant sensations. See then if your sexual relationship doesn't acquire an extra edge.
To massage is very easy. Relax. Rub your hands together to warm them (if they're cold) and begin with a gentle little scratch on the back with the tips of your fingers. Then move on to caress with your fingertips and then gently go for the muscles, ribs and vertebra. Then do the same with your fingers and palms placed entirely flat. After the back, move on to the neck and to the head and then again to the back, to the buttocks and thighs. Leave out the genitals for now. Go down along the legs to the feet. The feet are essential in a massage. To have a foot massage gives you extraordinary pleasure.
Try it. It's fantastic!
From the feet, go back up again quickly. At this point, the lover will be wild with desire. But be a rotten, make sure that he or she enjoys it even more. Massage his or her shoulders and go down along the arms and hands. Massage each finger. Only then will you choose to move on to sex, returning to the back and going back down again towards the buttocks and the genitals. If instead you are true wild cats and you want this person to beg for mercy, then make him or her turn over and begin again from the front; chest, belly, neck, face, thighs, feet, legs, belly, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, etc... . Generally after two hours of massage people howl.
In fact, if it is true that a massage doesn't necessarily imply sex, it is also true however that when it is done with a person with whom you make love, the same gestures assume completely different meanings, becoming an erotic prelude, a spasmodic wait, an amplification of desire.
To conclude, here are three rules to follow to carry out excellent massages:
1 Be relaxed and follow the pleasure that your hands feel. In massaging, as in sex, the pleasure is mutual: where you feel pleasure in touching, whoever is being massaged, also feels pleasure.
2 Remember to massage everywhere. Not to be massaged in a particular place is very annoying.
3 Be spontaneous. Don't follow fixed patterns. Follow your instinct. Let loose, don't think. Your body knows better than you what to do.
And remember that you can massage with your hands, but also with your feet, hair, lips, face, mouth, nose, forehead, wrists, the knees or with your whole body. All you need to do is to be subtle and gentle.
Let your imagination flow.


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