If viruses were intelligent
the mortality rate
of bankers would be higher
can skip this chapter if you don't have an incurable disease and
if you don't plan on getting one in the next few months.
If there is one thing that I hate, it is fatal
diseases. I hate them even if I've never tried one.
I'm more the type who gets long and painful illnesses and then
dies over a sneeze.
This conviction hasn't yet prevented me from rushing to a doctor
every time I have some kind of symptom and asking him how many months
I have left to live. One doctor told me that I was a "hypochondriac"
(i.e. someone who shits his pants just thinking about it and sees
a tumour behind every pimple). But that's not true. I'm just careful.
Before being cured with gentle medicines, I like to be sure. I love
ultrasounds and magnetic resonance, blood and urine tests.
Unfortunately, my homeopath, who studied as a surgeon, doesn't want
to see me. He just talks to me on the telephone and invariably tells
me that I'm not dying, it's just stress. Being a serious homeopath,
he always prescribes me the same medicine. I buy it, put it on my
nightstand, and just by looking at it, I feel better.
At home I also have a frightening supply of painkillers and sleeping
pills. Because you never know, if I catch some kind of sudden, wicked
disease that I couldn't stand, not even with yoga, I could always
go into total anesthesia for a week.
anesthesia is wonderful.
local anesthesia isn't bad. At the dentist's, I don't even open
my mouth until he has made me my whole mouth and even my ears numb.
When I am completely deaf, I open my jaws and say "Aaaaaahh!"
screaming like a lunatic. The dentist tells me to stop it; he doesn't
need to look at my tonsils, and besides the neighbors are already
complaining and his customers are running away. But I don't hear
a thing and I continue to scream because I don't want to risk hearing
the noise of the drill.
But let's get back to fatal diseases. What do you do when you get
problem with fatal disease is time. Actually, all fatal diseases
are curable. It's just that for some the cure comes too late.
there is good news: there is no such thing as all-powerful fatal
disease. Even if you get the bubonic plague, you have a one out
of three chance of surviving it.
Epidemics never succeeded in wiping out the entire population, not
even in the Middle Ages. For every disease, 33% of those who get
it recover anyway, and 33% never recover at all.
The important thing is to be part of the right 33%.
would be stupid for me to give you advice on how to confront a fatal
disease. I have no direct experience and I am not a doctor. But
to me this statistical principle seems very important.
What are the qualities that allow one of the "doomed"
out of three to survive for sure?
Is it only a question of luck and genetic predisposition, or is
there something that we can sometimes do to fall back within the
coveted 33 percent?
We have already said that a lot depends on our basic attitude, but
there is more. In the last few years, researchers have turned their
attention to the phenomenon of miracles, proposing a totally new
point of view.
There are thousands of proven cases of people who "miraculously"
cured, contrary medical probability. These recoveries are obtained
in the strangest ways: by faith, magic, energetic therapies, mental
figurations, motivational therapies, meditation, etc... Of course,
these techniques are very rarely successful, but it is a fact that
in some cases they do work.
have begun to catalogue these techniques and they have come across
every type imaginable. There are those who imagine hundreds of gentle
little white rabbits (the cure) that devour a prairie of green grass
(the disease). There are those who pray, and those who go to Lourdes.
Those who start to paint their disease. Those who use the smile
and smile at every organ, devoting an hour in the morning and an
hour at night to this mental activity.
are those who participate in shamanistic rituals. Those who
use minerals, who use colored light, music, out-of-body travel,
concoctions revealed in a dream by an old dead aunt in Burundi.
There are those who come to be cured by angels and those who
fight the disease by transforming themselves into their guardian
animals, those who use hallucinogens and those who devote themselves
to the tea ceremony or use Chi-kung (also called Qi-Gong). |
I said, each of these bizzarre techniques is capables of curing
a very small number of cases. Taken as a whole, however, they are
a resource of incredible effectiveness for people whose cases are
considered hopeless. In fact, together these fanciful cures represent
the only effective method if conventional medicine offers no hope.
As someone (perhaps Sherlock Holmes) used to say: "When you
have discarded all the possible hypotheses, only the impossible
hypotheses remain."
The difficulty lies in being able to find that particular alternative
therapy that works for you, and even more importantly, in being
able to explain to us these miraculous recoveries.
I, like many others, maintain that it isn't about miracles in the
real sense of the word, but rather the result of a correct relationship
with our subconscious. It has enormous unexpressed potentiality.
Each of us in our lives suffers from certain imbalances due to improper
diet, stress, the environment we live in, bad habits. The unconscious
registers this imbalance and decides which particular disease should
serve to re-establish the harmony that guarantees survival.
disease, the body stays alive.
For this reason, oftentimes having small illnesses isn't a bad
thing. It means that the subconscious reacts immediately to every
disorder. And it is the disease itself that by, causing the right
symptoms, begins to cure the imbalance. All things considered, the
pain that an illness causes is the medicine itself.
This is important, because fatal disease is curable only when it
is caused by an error of the subconscious. In fact, only if the
subconscious really has the possibility of correcting the error
can we hope for the success of non-conventional therapies.
What I mean to say is that there are cases in which no medicine
can be effective because the causes of the disease do not depend
on the subconscious and are outside of what is possible with official
If you get shot, eat a kilo of cyanide, catch a truly deadly virus
or have a genetic defect, neither antibiotics nor miracles can do
you any good. But you can't know this until you are dead. As long
as there is life, there is the possibility of finding the right
key that could "miraculously" activate the recovery.
discussion is particularly valid for certain degenerative diseases,
such as tumours and leukemia. The latest research shows that these
processes of cells self-destruction are activated by our body's
defense mechanisms that go haywire and start to attack healthy cells.
In these cases, it's as if the unconscious has pressed a wrong button.
The only possibility for recovery is in being able to bring the
switch back in place. But the rational mind does not have direct
access to the switch, nor is it able to tell the unconscious that
it needs to be done.
Here is where the shaman takes over. If he is lucky, he is able
to tell the subconscious, "Turn the switch back on!" and
he is obeyed. It matters little whether he does it dressed as an
Indian, speaking in Latin, miming a surgical operation, sprinkling
gold dust from the fingers or wearing the white gown of a great
European doctor.
The important thing is that he finds the "magic" word
that will lead the unconscious to understand its own error. Someone
will probably ask: "So it's the fault of the subconscious?"
Sometimes yes, perhaps only in part, sometimes no. However, it is
"guilty" only in a manner of speaking. It does its job
and that is fine. It isn't the subconscious's fault if there are
a lot of communication problems between the conscious, due to reasons
that have very distant roots in the history of our culture.
As we will see, it is still possible to resolve these communication
problems, thus preventing the rise of serious disease. But if you
find yourself already dealing with a nasty disease, then you have
no time to cry over spilt milk.
No one can decide for you. The only possibility that you have
is to place your trust in the cure that inspires you most, hoping
you find the one that works.
How do you meet someone who can perform the right
miracle for you?
To be able to enjoy a miracle is not a question of intelligence.
Intelligent people are often also very rational. And this a problem.
The subconscious is very irrational. If you tend to maintain control
of the situation, you obtain nothing. In order for non-conventional
therapies and magic to work, let go and open yourself to suggestion.
Only in this way will you be able to touch the right part of your
heart, your stomach... yes, because the unconscious brain is not
only in the head, it is a power that is spread throughout the body.
It is a matter of following a fascinating thread of chance and suggestions.
It means giving space to desires that the unconscious expresses
by making an idea appear more luminous, harmonious and gentle to
Your rationality cannot find this key to recovery by itself. You
have to follow your intuition, curiosity, chance, coincidences,
and whims. You must accept that it is the unconscious that leads
the dance, that indicates the right way through the language of
the emotions. It is a tough and fascinating choice. You have to
find a lot of faith to proceed this way, without clear direction,
wandering around aimlessly on this quest. And precisely because
it is your life at stake, you have place your trust in the mercy
of the court, in divine providence, in your lucky star. You are
like Indiana Jones in The Last Crusade when you have to cross
the bridge that doesn't exist. If you are certain of the existence
of the invisible bridge, your feet will find it. But if you don't
have faith, there will be no bridge to support you, and you will
fall into the abyss.
You need to have inordinate faith in the fact that the vital force
in you is strong enough to save you. Perhaps you will fail anyway,
but nevertheless you will have attained a new intimacy with your
own life. And even in the sadness of your existence, this in itself
will be your reward for the effort you made to live.
only path that we can follow in this journey is the little light
that shines within us. No, I am not speaking rhetorically. I'm talking
about something concrete and tangible that you can feel if you close
your eyes and listen to yourself.
How many times have you heard it? Try to remember how you felt in
your moments of joy when falling in love and how you feel each time
you burst out laughing. These states of happiness are generally
associated with a greater perception of the luminosity around us.
At times, for brief instances, it even seems to feel that we can
feel this luminosity bursting forth inside us.
The mysterious force that makes us alive becomes
almost palpable.
We live these experiences too briefly and we dedicate too little
time to listening to every nuances of the extraordinary sensations
that these states of consciousness bestow on us. We will see now
just how one can broaden the perception of this dimension.
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